Posted by: crispyfish80 | 3 September, 2012, Monday

第七章:派不上用场的鞋. Chapter 7: Unused shoes


Til that moment, my wedding preparation was still under control. Most importantly, with my abnormal passion in wedding gowns, I still aggressively preparing for my wedding. Right after selected my wedding gown (for photography), I started to look for matching shoes.

Shortlisted 3 pairs of shoes for evening gown:

最终选择,Charles & Keith蓝色漆皮牛仔布高跟鞋,因为可以休闲穿。
Final selection: Charles & Keith.

Flats for the chiffon wedding gown. Only remember how short I am after that. That’s why didn’t bring to photoshooting.

在SS2 Wedding Shoe ( 定做的结婚鞋。RM320一对。打算婚礼当天也穿这双鞋。
Shoes from “Wedding Shoe” @ SS2. Will be my actual day shoes also.

I think I’m silly and naive. Gowns are long, my body is short, photoshooting venue could be muddy, so, I end up didn’t wear any of the heels.

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 1 June, 2011, Wednesday

第六章:终于穿婚纱啦!Chapter 6: Wedding Gown, Finally!


Maybe it sounds like I’m hopeless, but frankly, I’ve been longing to wear wedding gown since I was in primary school. When I watched TV or attended weddings, the brides’ white wedding gowns, diamond crowns, long veils, glove, and fluffy evening gowns had always make me feel exited and wanted to touch them. I used to draft my future wedding gown on papers, imagined that one day I will wear a long long wedding gown like a princess and let my price to lift my veil.

20年后的今天,我终于把婚纱穿上身啦!虽然只是试拍照用的婚纱,也已经足够让我兴奋好几天了。Keep Gallery的婚纱和晚装款式和数量虽然真的比其他的婚纱店来得少,可是我终于也选到令我非常满意的裙子。谢谢我的服务员Bobo还有特地骗病假来替我帮眼的表妹!照片不多,因为只能拍最终选择的婚纱。

And today after 20 years, my fantasy has finally turned real! Even though it was just a gown fitting session for my bridal photos, I’ve felt exited enough. The designs and amount of gowns at Keep Gallery is not as much as other bridal shops, but I still managed to choose satisfied gowns. Thanks to my Service Assistant Bobo and my cousin sis who purposely took MC to help me! I didn’t take much photos because we are allowed to snap only our selected gown.

A more playful design.

A more gentle design.

I love the colour of this evening gown.

Initially wanted to choose match this gown with sneakers, but I don’t look nice in short wedding gown. Give up.

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 31 January, 2011, Monday

第五章之二:严选大妗姐.Chapter 5.2: Choosing your Tai Kam Jie

实在是不可原谅!Wordpress email来我的部落格2010年总结:竟然只写了4篇文!



That’s so unforgivable! WordPress emailed me the summary of my blog for 2010: I’ve written 4 articles only!

Even though my blog is not celebrity blog and no one borders to follow, but it still consider too lazy with only 4 articles in a year.

Okay, back to the topic. At this moment, my wedding has over for almost 3 months. Since I’ve just written about the Tai Kam Jie in my previous article, let me just share some conclusion after my experience of engaging a Tai Kam Jie.

1. 只要早上还是一整天?

除非你需要大妗在晚宴上替你主持为其他长辈敬茶,不然真的不需要浪费那笔钱。通常大妗会在晚宴扮演司仪角色,宣布新人入场,主持切蛋糕开香槟(虽然我们都知道那只是有气葡萄汁,只有我老公以为那是酒)和敬酒 – 这是新一派的大妗啦。要知道,2010年11月为止,大妗的市价是早上RM450左右,一整天RM600左右。既然这些工作酒楼方面都会包办了,RM150就省了吧。

1. Morning only or full-day?

Unless you need a Tai Kam Jie to coordinate another tea ceremony during dinner, else it really  doesn’t worth it to spend that money. Usually a Tai Kam Jie will be the emcee during dinner to announce bride & bridegroom’s march in, coordinating the cake cutting, “champagne” opening (ya, we all know that is sparkling grape juice, only KM thought that is wine) and the “yum sing” session – of course, this is the modern Tai Kam Jie style. But you should know, as of 2010 November, the market price of Tai Kam Jie is about RM450 for morning session only, and about RM600 for full-day. Since the restaurant will include emcee for dinner, we can just happily save the RM150.

2. 谈清楚大妗的工作内容

如果你不要大妗在你结婚当天ka ka cau cau,最好事先谈清楚你需要他/她做的事。我请的这个大妗姐抢着切烧猪,整只烧猪只切了一小块留给女家,最后我母亲只能够分发每个亲戚每家一小块的烧肉。我离开女家之前,她又向我母亲要一些米和茶叶,我母亲问她是要来干嘛的,她说是要来撒在门口,不让新娘把娘家的福气带走。结果被我母亲骂。

2. Clear cut of service content

If you do not want the Tai Kum Jie to be ka ka cau cau during your wedding, you better make yourself clear on what are the services he/she will be providing. The Tai Kam Jie that I engaged took over the roast pig cutting work, and only keep a small portion for us bride’s family out of the whole roast pig. My mom can only give a real small piece of roast pork to each relative’s family. Before I left my brother’s house to the bridegroom’s house, she asked some rice and tea leaves from my mom, my mom asked her for what purpose it is and was told that she wants to sprinkle those at the door so that the bride won’t bring away any luck from her family. She ended up being scolded by my mom.

3. 不要给多余的红包


3. No extra Angpow

Halo, I paid you few hundred bucks to coordinate these ceremonies, so why should I give you extra angpow? After I finished make up, my parents covered the veil for me. When the Tai Kam Jie arrived, she insist me to go back to the room to let her help me to go through the “veil covering” ceremony again. Fine. Main point is, she request my mom to give her an angpow right after the ceremony. Did I mention she took over roast pig cutting work? She took away the angpow right after that which suppose to be given to thetwo guys who carry the roast pig. My cousin sister’s Tai Kam Jie was even better, she request for angpow for every single steps. However, giving extra angpow is totally personal preference. If you think that this is a good implication, then just give.

4. 叫他/她不要打扰姐妹玩兄弟


4. Do not disturb the gaming session

This is quite important to me. You may tell the Tai Kam Jie about gaming time before hand and ask him/her to help remind instead of keep on commanding the Ji Muis open door. And you may also tell the Tai Kam Jie that these unmerciful games are designed for the Heng Tais, not the bridegroom, so she doesn’t need to protect the bridegroom like a hen protecting its chick. But first of all, the Ji Muis must make sure they are cautious about timing, don’t over play lar.

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 17 September, 2010, Friday

第五章:无可抗拒的大妗姐.Chapter 5: The unrejectable Tai Kam Jie

大妗,我觉得他们好像挣扎在这个矛盾的时代。年轻一代主张西式的花园婚礼,大妗已经少了存在价值;可是就是因为什么都年轻化,已经没有多少人记得几十年前的上一代的结婚步骤,又托不少长辈坚持要孩子行传统华人婚礼之福,大妗这个行业总算还有得做。既然选择传统婚礼,把一对新人好好的带入家门、拜神拜祖先、斟茶、 送入洞房之类的步骤谁敢出错?不想以后会有“婚礼步骤搞错了”这样荒唐的籍口离婚,最好找个专业的顾问:当然是大妗!

I think that the Tai Kum (Chaperon) is a struggling job in this era. The young generation generally prefer western style garden wedding ceremony and do not need Tai Kum. Having said that, there are still many elders insist their kids to have Chinese traditional wedding ceremony, the Tai Kum is still surviving. Since traditional ceremony is selected, nobody will ever want to make mistake in the steps – fetching bride, prayers, tea ceremony, etc. To avoid “wrong steps during wedding” is being used as excuse for divorce in the future, we should seek for a professional advisor, which is, Tai Kum!











My TaiKum-phobia was built since my cousin sister’s wedding three years ago. The groom’s family hired a tai kum jie (female chaperon) as they were totally unfamiliar with Chinese traditional wedding. When we reached at the groom’s house, as a bridemaid, I went into the house with the bride, but the unlucky parents and relatives of the bride were prohibited to enter the house, as instructed by the tai kum jie. Neither do anyone from the groom’s family is allowed to step out to serve their guests. Nobody dared to break the rule. The tai kum jie behaved like she has the highest status on the day, unfriendly to the max and never conderate about people’s feeling when she talks.

At that moment, I swore that I WILL NOT ENGAGE A TAI KUM JIE in my wedding.

BUT, it appeared that KM’s family wanted to hire a tai kum jie because they are unfamiliar with Chinese traditional wedding! I opposed for so long yet I was unable to change KM’s mind, merely because: it’s the elder’s requirement. Well, that’s life. The only thing I can do is to look for tai kum jie by myself to ensure I don’t get an arrogant one.

This thing had been dragging for months, until 8 months before my wedding when I suddenly realized it.

“You may contact this Gengko, he is a male tai kum, my cousins sister hired him and he is quite fun and friendly” my cousin sister introduced. But he was booked when I contacted him. He managed to introduce me another tai kum jie for me, Madam Ying. She is a master level tai kum jie according to Gengko.

“Huh, is she arrogant? I don’t want her to disturb my jimui’s game session.”

“Ah Chloe I tell you what, you are the boss, you can tell her your requirements.” Gengko told me. That’s very true, so we made appoitnment with this Ying Jie.

Ying Jie is really a master level! She learned tai kum from other master and has more than 10 years experience and was even interviewed and published on newspaper. She was quite professional that after introduce each other, she started to explain what need to be prepared during Guo Dai Lai, how she will help during wedding, even before we start asking. Basically, we were quite satisfy with her despite speaking too loud and non-stop, afterall, we can discuss about other details later, I am the boss, I remind myself. The only thing that I mind was that she suggested to let the groom and his friends to enter my house for game session, which implies “bring in wealthy”.

How can! The heng dai will not play game anymore if we let them in.

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 31 March, 2010, Wednesday



Posted by: crispyfish80 | 19 February, 2010, Friday

今天不太吉祥.Today is not too nice

注意:上面的图片是Johnny Depp主演电影Alice in Wonderland的海报。

Note: The upper picture is poster from Jonny Depp’s “Alice in Wonderland”.
Caution: If you’ve just eaten, please do not look at the lower picture, I worry you’ll immediately vomit. Because it is too disgusting, I will remove it after a while. But if you like it, feel free to right-click and save.

Wa leh!! Early morning saw this scary advertisement board when I drive to work, shocked until my car almost lost control!

Wa leh!! Early morning saw this scary woman when I walked into office, disgusting until my last-night dinner in stomach almost vomit out!

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 2 February, 2010, Tuesday

一品三味海鲜餐馆.Yat Pan Sam Mei Seafood Restaurant


I personally think that blogging shouldn’t be short term. I can accept whatever reason to stop blogging, but can never accept the reason to be “lazy”. That’s why, I felt so guilty for not updating my blog for one month. I immediately search through my old photos for some material to blog about.


And the result: Erm… Yat Pan Sam Mei Seafood Restaurant (not sure about the restaurant’s name in English). Date: 2nd August 2009, that’s why I forgot some of the details.


Heard that the owner (also the chef) of this restaurant is quite “ba bai” and bad tempered. He scolded his staff until they ran away, so that day we only saw his family helping him in his restaurant. And due to lack of man-power (or perhaps very particular in making good food), when customer complain him being slow, he might ask the customer to leave if cannot wait. That day we saw not more than 5 tables in total in the restaurant. Luckily, KM’s father introduced a lot of customers to this owner, that’s why he served us quite well.


We brought our own garoupa fish and shrimp. If you are to buy fresh garoupa in the restaurant, it is quite expensive, if not mistaken, about RM10++ for 100 grams. “Yat Pan Sam Mei” means that the chef will cook a same fish into three different tastes. Don’t ask me how does the food taste like, I can only conclude that: all food are very very very nice.

First taste: porridge. Cooked with fish slices and shrimp.

Alcohol shrimp? Not too remember.

Rice in bamboo. It’s steamed rice, not sticky rice. I didn’t eat this, so I don’t know how it taste.

Dong Bo meat.

Second taste: Tom Yum fish. But when we were about to finish this dish, it has became too sweet because of the tomatoes.

Third taste: Ice-cream fish. Unfortunately the fish we brought is not big enough, if not, it must be very special to eat the deep-fried fish with ice-cream and fruits.

For the bill, it was about RM140++ for 9 adults, if not mistaken. But bear in mind, that was not including fish and shrimp.

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 30 December, 2009, Wednesday

第四章:新娘的喜筵呢.Chapter 4: Where’s the bride’s banquet


I’ve done with my ROM, chosen my wedding date, booked a restaurant, and even selected my preferred bridal shop, but how come I still feel that I’ve omitted something. After thinking for few days, I finally remembered that I’ve forgotten my banquet (bride’s side).






Since some of my relatives and friends are in Seremban, some in hometown, some in southern Malaysia, and most of others in KL, the best choice is to have my wedding banquet in Seremban, like what my brother and sister did.

“You better book your restaurant earlier else people might have booked it.” My old colleagues in Seremban told me.

Huh? Since when Seremban has became so kiasu? There is still another one year to go.

The only few restaurants I know that are doing wedding banquet quite well: Hee Loi Tang, Tong Yat, Ming Kok, Dragon Palace, and Lucky. I know that my wedding banquet will be a small one at around 20 tables, to avoid sharing a banquet hall with other people and listen to karaoke from next ‘door’, I first filtered out Ming Kok and Lucky. Then Hee Loi Tang rejected my booking, as they will be having renovation in November next year. Now I have only Tong Yat and Dragon Palace to choose from. Tong Yat’s banquet hall seem nice, but most probably they will arrange me to share a hall with other people also. At last, I booked Dragon Palace even though it is not really my choice because my brother and sister had their wedding banquet there last year.

That’s the consequence of having only small banquet yet so picky. But never mind, as long as the restaurant can give me good service.

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 29 December, 2009, Tuesday



Yo, 2009 is passing extra-ordinary fast. It’s time to review and forecast again. Let’s see what were my last year forecast and how much I’ve achieved.


消闲:也算是已经尽量没花太多钱了。今年才买了几件衣而已,唯一花最多钱的就是我的Lexus Myvi阿金被偷走也不是我想要的啊。至于出国旅行,说过了,没能力也不要紧,




Work: Ya, I’ve got a marketing job, and the pay is quite satisfying.

Leisure: I’ve really not spending too much. This year I’ve only bought a few clothes. The only thing cost me most is my Lexus Myvi. But what to do since my Ah Kim is stolen. It doesn’t matter that I can’t afford an oversea vacation.

Interest: Currently learning Grade 7 piano practical and have given up theory.

Personnal: Hm.. quite healthy this year.

Family: Ya, my family is healthy and stay safe, my niece is also growing up healthy and happily. Theoretically, I am married finally.


For next year:






Work: Hope the company can confirm me soonest possible, and I will be able to learn and perform at my work.

Leisure: Budget is very tight, need to prepare some money for my wedding, so it is better not to spend too much. My housemate will move out end of January, hope can get a new housemate asap. After September, I don’t need to pay few hundred bucks for people’s house anymore.

Interest: Gotta pass my grade 7 piano practical exam before wedding.

Personnal: Still hope to stay healthy and hope my wedding can turn up well-prepared.

Family: Still hoping my family stay healthy and safe and my niece grows up healthy and happily. Hope we can get our own house soonest after wedding.

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 22 December, 2009, Tuesday

雪邦黄金海岸,遇见管家.Meet the housekeeper at Sepang Gold Coast

It was Haji Day on 27/11/2009. We went to Sepang Gold Coast.

先去到Tanjung Sepat的一个新村吃海南包。
Went to a Kampung Baru in Tanjung Sepat for Hai Nan Bao.

Their famous Mui-Choy Bao. Actually, I personally think that the only special thing is they use Mui-Choy as filling, the Bao itself is nothing special.

This is Sepang Gold Coast. Freaking HOT.

Met a grasshopper.





I remembered at a mid-night not long after my grandma passed away, I saw a bigger and looks older grasshopper on windscreen of KM’s car. It was facing the passenger seat next to driver, which was me.

“Wow, it is so rare to see such a big grasshopper in KL.” I said.
“Your grandma comes to see you.” A friend sitting behind said.
“Don’t be superstition ok.” I said

When arrived home, I asked KM to chase it away with wiper.
“But it’s your grandma you know.” My friend said again.
“Okay then, leave it there.” I said.

The next day, I purposely went to check if it was still there. But it has gone. The grasshopper I met at Sepang Gold Coast could be a housekeeper sent by grandma, to see if I am fine.

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