Posted by: crispyfish80 | 4 December, 2007, Tuesday

My new heels

Finally, I managed to find this heels after few months looking for it! This is the one my cousin recommended me to buy but I unable to find it in any Vincci outlets. I’ve actually gave up to look for it. Last two weeks I saw it at KLCC outlet and thank god, size 3 is available. Immediately paid and brought it home.



众里寻他千百度, 蓦然回首,那人却在, 灯火阑珊处。 (《青玉案》辛弃疾)

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 16 November, 2007, Friday

House of Wax, Ouch!!

Nicole told me that HBO is recently rebroadcast “House of Wax”.

Nicole告诉我最近HBO在重播House of Wax

Last time I was induced into cinema by this movie poster.

I love to watch movies. I watch romance, family, thriller, animation, action, adventure, science-fiction, comedy, horror, war, mystery, musical and crime, all sorts of movies except those art-films where I can’t understand a little bit.

At the beginning of the movie, I thought it was just another “cheating kids” horror movie. But when the killer cut Wade’s ankle with a big scissor when chasing him, Vicki, who sat at my left side suddenly pinched my tight as if she is painful. I understood her feelings because I felt my ankle was painful as well. Another killer cut Carly’s finger with a pliers. The “Cut” sound reminded me of cutting the delicious grilled chicken wings as we usually did. Ouch, my fingers were pain! Nicole, who sat at my right side held my hand tightly. We started feeling dizzy. 

After that, Dalton tried to rescue Wade who was made into sculpture but still alive. He peeled off the wax on Wade’s face, but the skin was peeled off with the wax pieces, leaving the sticky and bloody flesh. OMG, somebody call 911, please! My face started feeling pain also. When the movie came to half way, I’ve became flabby. At the end, we could only limp out of the cinema. Bloody hell, that was the first time I watched such a “painful” movie. 

One year later, Nicole and I was about to watch “House of Wax” DVD again. But we finally decided to change to another movie after 5 mins of the show. I think I won’t have any courage to watch this movie once again for the rest of my life.





一直到一年多以后,有一次和Nicole重看House of WaxDVD,影片开始5分钟后,我们就决定换片。我想我这辈子真的没有勇气再看一次这部影片了。

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 12 November, 2007, Monday



1 喜欢的口味:

2 愿意花的价钱:

3 喜欢的餐厅:

4 喜欢的水果:

5 喜欢的快餐:
基本上不太喜欢快餐。也是看心情而吃。A&W的Onion Ring和Curly Fries、KFC的Original Recipe炸鸡和Whipped Potato、McD的雪糕、Kenny Rogers Roasters的烤鸡和所有配菜、Pizza Hut的Island Delight、Domino’s的Hot&Spicy Chicken Wings。Burger King?我不喜欢吃面包。吃披萨都把旁边的面包丢一边。

6 喜欢的罐头食品:
All Time Favourite: Campbell’s Soup ~ Mushroom Classic
Yeo’s canned Beef Curry With Potato/Lamb Curry With Potato ~ Heat and eat with steam rice。
Adabi Heat and Eat Beef Rendang/Ayam Masak Merah (这个不是罐头,这个是包装食品)
罐头菜心、Bovril ~ 配白粥

7 喜欢的甜品:

8 喜欢的肉类:

9 喜欢的海产:

10 喜欢的菜类:

11 喜欢的点心(一笼一笼的那种):

12 喜欢妈妈的哪道菜:
萝卜肉丸、梅菜、水饺、萝卜焖牛腩、炒萝卜干(菜埔)、指天椒炒咸菜、酿豆腐、酿辣椒、酿苦瓜、虾米Sambal、苦瓜炒牛肉、妈妈煲的所有汤、BBQ时腌的五香鸡翼、BBQ时做的烧鱼酱、面粉糕、糯米饭、豆角饭etc etc。(我唯一不喜欢妈妈煮的鱼)

13 可以吃多少:

14 最想尝试:
Fine Dining。正式的Fine Dining。Shangri-la’s的Lafite。所谓想,就是放在脑里面幻想。我还不打算在现实中出丑。

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 9 November, 2007, Friday


Few days ago my cousin happily ran into my room with a shoe box in her arm.

“Chui Jie Jie, see, I bought a pair of new heels at Vincci!”

Having opened the box I found that was a pair of black colour peep-toe high heels. The fluffy surface with imitated leather makes it simple yet stylish. I immediatly tried the heels on my foot.

“You may buy the brown colour one. It looks elegant but mature, not suitable for me.” my cousin said.

That night, I dreamt that I bought 5 pairs of heels at Vincci.






Posted by: crispyfish80 | 9 November, 2007, Friday









“…I didn’t know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn’t know that cats could grin…” -Alice’s Advanture in Wonderland-
“我不知道柴郡猫经常笑,实际上,我压根儿不知道猫会笑的。” -爱丽丝梦游仙境-

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 7 November, 2007, Wednesday

我家芦荟开花了.Aloe vera flowering

Back in year 2000 (can’t really remember, but I’m sure it was definitely before 2001), my sister met in an accident. When her friends moved away the motorcycle fall on her, her leg has burned by motorcycle’s pipe, causing a concave on the skin (to be more disgusting, I can even imagine some of her flesh was sticking on the pipe). The wound was quite serious for a 16 years old girl. We can foresee that there would be a forever scar on my sister’s leg. 

My mother was so worry about the scar and tried many ways to reduce it. One day, we went Bahau for dinner and saw the shop-owners’ aloe vera. The plant was so big size compared to those I ever seen in my life (perhaps I didn’t have much opportunities to see others aloe vera). My mother thought that applying aloe vera on the scar would smoothen the skin or at least reduce the mark. So she bought it home. 

Well, I don’t think my sister was keen to apply aloe vera on her scar. Soon she forgot the pity plant. 

In 2004, my mother told me that her aloe vera was flowering! I thought that was her illusion. I never heard that aloe vera would flower. Anyways, just like cactus, not all aloe vera flowers, and it is a rare case. My mother didn’t take good care of the plant. She just left it at our dirty balcony, directly expose under sunlight, seldom water, and even never apply fertilizer, thus I don’t know what makes my mother’s plant survive and even starts flowering. 

My mother told me it has flowered for few times. The first time was during my brother and my graduation. The second and third time was during my two sisters’ graduation. To my mother, the aloe vera flower is a sign of fortune. Perhaps I can also say our joyous occasions causing it flowering. 

Last week I went back to hometown and saw it flowered again. This time my brother is getting married.








The spike is around one meter tall.


Posted by: crispyfish80 | 3 November, 2007, Saturday








“嫌家里老鼠不够多是不是?” 一句话,四两拨千金。

“也对啦。搞不好仓鼠带回家养了几天就失踪,一个礼拜后发现它在夜里跟着你家的黑老鼠出来偷吃药材。” 前男友对败诉的我说。


Posted by: crispyfish80 | 2 November, 2007, Friday

Weird Dinner

It was 8pm and I still not feeling hungry. But I can’t leave my stomach empty otherwise I would suffer from gastric later on. Finally I decided to buy some bun or some sausage to make myself a light dinner.

My housemate and I went to mini market and bought some pork slices, golden needle mushroom, corn, chicken sausage, and an apple for myself.

I marinate the pork with different seasoning. Some with black pepper powder, some with mixed herbs, and some with sesame oil and oyster sauce which taste the best among the three. The mushroom are rolled in the marinated pork slices and sent into oven to roast for 10mins. Well, the final result didn’t disappoint us.

Roasted golden needle mushroom in pork slice + steamed corn + roasted sausage, I used to have weird dinner. But I enjoy what I’ve made, even though most of the time I only heard critics from people about my cooking skill.






Mixed herbs to marinate the pork.

The final result. Its colour is not appetizing.



Posted by: crispyfish80 | 22 October, 2007, Monday


During my study in Melaka, I stayed with some classmates in a rented corner lot terrace house. Eleven of us occupied the whole house with 4 rooms.


One of the memorable moments is our revision before exam. My housemates are hardworking except me. They usually started revision one month before the exam, and the situation went horrible one week before exam. Yes, horrible, until I was so scare and so pressure to look at them.


Everyone was carrying study guides (text book) on her hands to memorize the contents. Some likes to walk around the house and some likes to sit like a stone in front of the table while memorizing. Some likes to lock themselves in the room to study without any disturbance. Everyone (except me) fight until the last second before we really need to get into the classroom for exam.


I especially fear to go near Sok Fang’s room. Mattresses has rolled up and moved to a corner of the room. Basically the mattresses are no longer needed during the last week before exam because she doesn’t need to sleep anymore. Sok Fang’s roommates, Wendy and Yee Yen retreated from the room and temporary move to my room, leaving her a peaceful environment. I guess both of them also scare to look at Sok Fang.


My roommate, Siow Chin is the only one who dares to join Sok Fang in the revision. Both of them stayed in the room to study like hell. Past year papers and notes spread around the room. They usually sleep for around 10 minutes, 20 minutes at most when they got really tired. There was once I stepped in the room, and saw their face were as green as the door’s color and dark circles were so deep until both of them looked like ghost.


“Yes?” They asked.


“Uuh, nothing already.” I left the room as fast as I can. 


In order to keep themselves awaken, they once used a very sick method – bite small chilis and applied the source on their lips. “We felt really shocking awaken, but immediately felt very sleepy after 10 minutes when the effect has over.” Sok Fang told us.


Crazy! Well, that explain why they are top students, while I always fail my subjects.










真是精神有病!所以她们是top student,而我考试总是不及格。

Posted by: crispyfish80 | 17 October, 2007, Wednesday


I always see people posting shoutout in friendster. Many of the them are shouting that they’ve recovered from sorrows. Yes, some of them are really yelling because they use a lot of CAPITAL LETTERS and put many exclamation marks!!!!

Some examples:

“THANKS TO ALL MY FRIENDS bringing back my SMILES to ME!!!”
“My tears has stopped falling!!! sunshine comes back into my world!!”
“from now onwards, you are not important to me ANYMORE!!”
“Just get away!! I CAN LIVE HAPPILY without YOU”
“The earth is still spinning without you at my side.”
“No matter how long is the night, the sun will still rise soon; No matter how much suffer you gave me, they are now become history…”
“I will KEEP MOVING, leaving you from my life!!”

Well, for me, all these are bullshits. At least, most of them are bullshits. Everyone has sorrows, everyone knows the above theory. All the suffering pasts are just like a dust or smoke if you have really get through it. These sorrows has now became so light to be blown away by only a single short sigh. Those who’ve really recovered from pain, will not shout out to the world.

The louder they shout, the lesser they could let go the past.












My friendster shoutout. I only add those I know.

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