Posted by: crispyfish80 | 17 September, 2007, Monday

Poor Life

Ive been fidget recenly. I am unable (or have no mood) to complete my heap of works.

My superior keeps pushing me to get more business for the company. The problem is, there is lack of human resource in our company, new business will only burden the colleagues more. But without new business would only mean that I have no contribution to the company.

Why does your software require such a long timeframe to customise? If client asks so, should I answer Because we dont have enough staff.?

Why does Sales & Marketing never sympathy us for working non-stop? If colleagues ask so, should I answer Bacause my job is to get business, not to sympathy.?

Why are you not contacting new prospects recently? If my superior asks so, should I answer Because I know that our colelagues have had enough workload.?

Ill be moving out from current lousy apartment by this month end, but Im having issue to get a satisfying apartment. They are rather too expensive or too run-down for me. Finally Ive found a satisfied one, and gosh, I dont have enough cash on hand. After Ive paid the booking fee by gathered it from here and there, the deposit starts annoying me. I have not much things with me, but its not an easy job to pack them up and to discard those unnecessary. We are yet to clean the house and arrange lorry with workers (sigh, money again!). 

My gums bleeding since months ago, I suspect I have periodontitis. My plan to see a dentist has been pending since last month as I dont have any idea where to find a good dentist. Yesterday I had a chance to go to a familiar clinic but end up I didnt because of my empty wallet. Wonder if my teeth will all gone soon.

This month end Ill travel to Langkawi with family as planned earlier. How to travel with only RM160 with me? Ive spent RM500++ to book air ticket, and seeing how poor I am now, I start thinking to ask back the money from my siblings (what a shameful! Initially we agreed that Ill bear the air ticket and my brother will pay for accomodation).

Sometimes I wish Im just a machine (preferably a money printing machine) without emotions and without feelings.




“为什么你们Sales & Marketing都不体谅我们不停的工作?”如果同事这样问,我是否应该答:“因为我的工作只是招揽生意,不包括体谅。”?






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